Failed Olympic Events

— January 07, 2013 (8 comments)
The Cat Toss. For the record, I would totally watch this.

From Anthdrawlogy's Olympics week.

What's your favorite failed Olympic event?

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  1. That is not nice, Mr. Heine. I love cats.
    And I would never toss Frida (she's my perfect cat). But her giant, lazy brother, Tag...well, I wouldn't toss him by his tail. But I do shove him out the door for a little fresh air now and then.

  2. Hilarious and horrible at the same time. Hilorrible? Yes? Yes.

  3. Tails are not handles. This woman who works at the humane society with me doesn't seem to understand this...but with rats, not cats.

    Checked out the other drawings. Gotta say, the biathalon was pretty sweet.

  4. I particularly love how muscular he is. That cat must be filled with bricks!

  5. Watch? Where the hell can I sign up? After last night, my cat wants to enter.

  6. Tails don't give enough grip, and can give at the last moment.

    Better would be a sling, where the cat is balled up until release.

    And for maximum sport, there should be a bare-chested partner who has to catch the cat.
