Air Pirates Query on Evil Editor

— January 03, 2009 (7 comments)
Evil Editor has done a critique (slash-parody) of my latest query letter for Air Pirates. No, the novel isn't finished, but I followed my own suggestion and wrote the query early to help me focus the novel. Evil Editor mentioned being nearly out of queries a little while ago, so I figured I'd see what he and his minions thought. What the heck, you know?

Some notes on how Evil Editor works. At the beginning of the post, he does a "Guess the Plot" feature, where various minions (i.e. blog readers) send in fake plots based solely on the title. Evil Editor then puts his critiques (and sometimes pictures) in the query letter in a different color so you can see them. These are mainly just to be funny. The really useful information comes in Evil Editor's notes at the end and the minions' comments afterwards.

Anyway, go ahead and read it. Let me know what you think, either there or here.

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  1. If you think they were tough on you then you should see what they made of my query back in the autumn! (I did like you and submitted on a WIP.)

    I thought your query sounded fun. The other folks at EE, who are better writers than I am, can tell you how to make it better but even with the loose ends it sounded like something I'd want to read.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement. It's always needed, as I'm sure you know.

    I've noticed that the folks on EE (and myself too, when I choose to comment) are usually meaner while the author is still anonymous, but nicer once the author makes themselves known. Usually.

    It's probably a human thing. Like it's easier to be mean to a faceless entity than an actual person, or something.

  3. While the GIFT originally had to do with the anonymity of the speaker, I think the anonymity of the hearer is also a factor; that's probably what you're seeing.
    EE was right, demanding a stone doesn't sound very brave. I don't know about the name choices, either - one is a biblical prophet, and one is whatever this is. I think they're distracting, unless they were chosen allusively. Sam Draper, Tricky, using a historical figure like that. Especially one you're related to. I wouldn't do it, but you're not me (I think we can say that, despite all the name mix-ups that have happened).

  4. Yeah, but is Sam Draper a historical figure that anybody actually knows? I mean besides you and me (and Andrew)?

  5. No, I don't suppose anybody knows him. I guess that's a good point...

  6. I've never heard of Sam Draper and it sounded like a good name to me.

    But then I am completely rubbish at history.

  7. He's not anyone you would've heard of. I mean, he doesn't even have a Wikipedia article.

    He's just a little-known pirate that happens to be present somewhere in the distant roots of my family tree, but the idea has stuck with me as a story seed to this day. I'll be so excited if I can make him real.
