But What Can *I* Do?

— February 10, 2025 (5 comments)

When I rebooted this blog, I told myself it was going to be for writing and editing tips. But now, the US president decided to do an authoritarianism, and I mean... come on.

A lot of us are feeling fear, despair, and motivation to do something but also confusion about what will help. This is my attempt to distill what I've been learning, what each of us can do to help, and why even the smallest act matters.

What Action Feels Like

I think one of the most important things to remember is that, very often, it will feel our actions have no effect. We want to call our representatives and see laws enforced. We want to donate to an organization and see criminals face consequences. We want to call our what's happening on social media and see minds changed.

It almost never works like that.

But these actions do matter.

One person on a street corner holding a sign that says "Nobody elected Elon" feels pointless, but that small, seemingly ineffectual protest can encourage others. It names the falsehoods and gaslighting for what they are. It encourages others that they're not alone in seeing what's happening. One person can even give some the courage to stand alongside them, until that one person becomes thousands.

Action looks like a meaningless ripple over and over and over, until one day, it's a tidal wave.

Actions for Yourself

You can't help anyone if you aren't okay. There's a reason airlines tell adults to put their mask on first before helping a child. But how can you do that?

  • Stay informed. Find trustworthy sources so you know what's going on. A major authoritarian trick is to convince people that they can't trust the mainstream media, so that facts are just their word against their enemies. But there will always be people and organizations who care about truth, objectivity, and democracy. Be discerning and seek them out.
  • Stay sane. You need to be informed, but you don't have to swallow a 24/7 firehose of bad news. Pace yourself. Focus on the topics you care about. Give yourself permission to step away. You don't have to be aware of everything, nor can you. Trust others to take what you can't.
  • Find joy. Read books. Watch movies. Enjoy music. Be with those you love. Remind yourself why any of this matters.

Direct Actions

Everything above is important, but what can you do? There is a lot, it turns out, so long as you remember that it doesn't have to feel impactful to be impactful.

  • Bother your representatives. Bug them in person if you can. Call if you can't. Email if you've got nothing else. It doesn't matter whether your representatives are for or against the current administration; every voice serves as ammunition or encouragement.
  • Join communities. There are people already out there resisting. Most of them aren't advertising it online; they're just doing it. Find them. Join them. Ask how you can help. Listen and learn.
  • Donate to organizations that are fighting. Don't break your bank, but as with every action, every little bit helps.
  • Protect your people. If you know folks who are directly affected by the administration's actions, help them. Speak in their defense. Stand beside them. Protect them if you can. (Though as with helping anyone, find out what they find helpful before just diving in.)
  • Talk to people about what's happening. Only you can decide what conversations you can handle and with whom, but in-person conversations can be far more effective than online ones, especially if the person you're talking to knows you care about them.


If you're in a position where the administration is looking right at you, action is scarier but also more impactful. Always take care of yourself, but in as much as you can...

  • Resist
  • Protect
  • Do not comply
  • Play dumb
  • Move slow
  • Make things worse
Helpfully vague, I know, but if you're in such a position, ways to resist may become more clear, and sometimes just slowing things down can be enough to give others time to mount a response.

Online Actions

I'll be honest. Living overseas makes me wonder if there's anything I can do that will matter. Social media feels so ineffective, and I'm still figuring out how best to use it. But here are some things I've learned:
  • Inform. Not everyone is an information-gatherer. For some, you might be their only source of information. Don't assume everyone knows what you know.
  • Encourage. Don't flood people's feeds with doom. Encourage them. There are good things happening out there, and hearing about them is often what people need to take action themselves.
  • Delight and amuse. Be a source of light and humor. These are far more effective tools than rage and despair.
  • Limit pointless arguments. The effectiveness of social media to change people's beliefs is... arguably not great. We've all had arguments with That One Guy who's "just asking questions," until it becomes clear they never wanted a genuine discussion. Ignore them. Mute them. Block them. Your information, encouragement, and joy is not for those who have decided but for those with ears to hear.

  • Be kind and compassionate—not just toward those who need help but also toward those on "the other side" when they begin to see or question what's really happening. Schadenfreude and "I told you so" are so, so cathartic, but the way through this danger is to work together—all of us, from every side and background and belief. Don't shame people. Welcome them.

Above All, Don't Give Up

A lot has happened these last weeks, and that is intentional. They're trying to flood the zone, to overwhelm the public and the media so nobody can focus on any one thing. But we're not a single entity. Working together, we can focus on several things at once.

The suggestions above are really just a kind of starter pack. There is much more that can be learned and done, and people are already doing it. Keep learning, and don't give up.

Authoritarians want us to give up, but their power is brittle, and they know it. Force and fear can only hold them up for so long. Eventually, they will crumble.

Heck, that's how the US started. We can continue the same way.

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What To Do With All That Feedback

— February 03, 2025 (3 comments)

If you're serious about writing, then you need to be serious about getting feedback. You might ask friends to read your work, swap drafts with writers online, or hire an editor—or even all of the above! The bottom line is you're too close to your story to be objective, so you always need to see how it flies with other people.

And when you do, you will often find one or more of the following happens:

  • Readers provide conflicting feedback—one likes a passage, while another hates it.
  • One reader suggests a sweeping change that changes your vision for the novel—it's not what you were trying to do.
  • A reader hates a part that you absolutely love.
  • Readers are confused about something you know you explained.
It can be frustrating, especially for new writers, to try to figure out how to handle feedback like this. You want to please everybody, but it seems impossible!

A key way to approach this is to treat the feedback like a doctor: interpreting it as symptoms, diagnoses, and prescriptions.

SYMPTOMS are what the reader feels as they're reading. Maybe they're confused, frustrated, or bored. The important thing to remember is that the reader is (almost) never wrong about what they feel. It doesn't matter what you intended; if the reader is bored, they're bored. Start there.

Many readers will then try to provide a DIAGNOSIS of what they think the problem is. They might think they're bored because they don't care about world-building, or they're confused because a fantasy term wasn't explained properly. Remember that the reader is not your doctor. They are usually right about what they're feeling, but they're not always right about why.

Maybe the world-building is really interesting, but in that particular moment in the story, the reader cares more about whether the protagonist escapes the people hunting them. Maybe the fantasy term is explained perfectly fine later, but there needed to be just a little more context so the reader could understand the sentence where it was introduced. (Or maybe that particular reader isn't used to holding things in abeyance.)

Readers aren't always aware of what causes their feelings, but if you assume that their feelings are real, then you stand a much better chance of addressing the root cause of the problem.

Finally, some readers will try to PRESCRIBE A SOLUTION. Readers are often wrong here. They know what they're feeling, they maybe know why, but they aren't you. They don't know your story or what you're trying to accomplish. They don't live in your head. Most people's prescriptions are likely to be wrong.

Who Can You Trust?

It's important to learn who to trust. Trust readers to know what they're feeling, but beyond that? It depends.

You can probably trust readers who are fans of books like yours. They might know the market better than you, or they might have insight that you lack. Their solutions might not perfectly fit your story, but their diagnoses might spark some good ideas.

You can usually trust readers you've worked with or those who really get your work. You'll know these folks from your relationship with them.

You can often trust professionals. Editors aren't perfect—they can provide bad diagnoses and prescriptions like anyone else—but the more experienced they are in your genre, the less likely they are to give you bad advice.

More than anyone else though, trust yourself. You alone know your story and what you are trying to accomplish, and you alone are responsible for turning the story into whatever it becomes.

Sometimes, a reader's diagnosis or prescription will feel right—it will strike a chord, possibly even solving multiple problems for you at once. This is great! It's exactly what you want feedback for.

But other times, a prescribed solution won't sit right, and you won't really know why. Trust your feelings, but don't ignore the feedback entirely. Something didn't work for the reader, and it's up to you—and only you—to figure out what.

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