That Thing Where I Draw: Ninja Girl

— February 08, 2010 (6 comments)

I drew this for a friend of mine. I've said it before, but I put WAY more effort into drawings for other people. I should work on commission all the time. The only thing keeping from doing it is the stress.

I don't know much about this girl. She's some kind of ninja, but beyond that her story changes every time I talk to my friend (he's sort of in the throes of a story brainstorm). Halfway through this drawing, he told me her eyes should be "burning," but I'd already inked them in. Ah, well.

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  1. Have I told you recently how much I enjoy your "That Thing Where I Draw" segment? It makes me wish I had passable drawing skill (which I don't).

  2. Nicely done, sir. And I second Matt's sentiment.

  3. I'm glad you guys like it -- both the drawing and the whole segment. I've had to back off the once-a-week gig, but I'll definitely keep posting things as I have them. Your comments encourage me :-)

  4. Striking! I love those colours and her face is incredible!
