Five Stages of the Science-Fiction Author

— December 13, 2010 (10 comments)
STAGE 1: Idea
I'll write a book about time travel! Nobody's done that well yet.

STAGE 2: World-building
I wonder if I should relate the history of the war between Morlocks and Ferengis here or in chapter 2. Oh, I know! I'll add a prologue!

STAGE 3: Characterization
Let's see... I've got the absent-minded professor vs. the mad scientist. Oo! And how about an android struggling to understand human emotions. Screw it, I'll just do an ensemble cast. What should I name the Asian character?

STAGE 4: Craft
How many l's are in "mellifluously"? Never mind. I'll just say "dulcet-like".

STAGE 5: Career
I wonder how many Nebulas you have to buy before they just give you the Hugo?

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  1. How did you hack into my documents folder? ;)

  2. Very nice :) And for #5, I figure it depends on how much you're paying for the Nebulas.

  3. LOL!!

    Oh dear. I think I'm doing my SF wrong. :)

  4. Sci-fi is one genre I have yet to venture into, but I'm sure I will apply your method if I ever do. :)

  5. Hey--I've read that book! Adam, are you writing under a pseudonym on the down-low? C'mon, buddy, you can tell us.

  6. I did write this book (except for the android). It was called Travelers.

    But if you've read it, JJ, then you're the one hacking into my documents folder. Or maybe my recycle bin.

  7. Anything with Ferengis is bound to be a success.
    in medias res
