When Your Agent Asks You For Revisions

— February 10, 2012 (11 comments)
To me, writing a novel -- trying to make a dozen characters and themes and motivations and goals all fit together in one comprehensible mass -- feels like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube.

It takes years, but then one day I'm all, "Holy crap, I did it, guys! I finished the cube!"

Even better, I show it off to agents, and one of them says, "That's a great looking cube. Can I represent you?" And, well, you know how that goes.

Then my agent says, "Now before I can submit this to publishers, I want you to try and put these pieces in, too."

And I'm all:

Stupid Rubik's Cube.

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  1. Yes. This. A thousand times this.

    But you'll do it. And so will I : D

  2. LOL! I'm glad the flamethrower was just for the cube. And I'm sure you can stitch it back together. #havefaith

    best of luck to you. :)

  4. 1. That was very funny!
    2. There you go scaring the crap outta me again.
    3. I know you can do it!

  5. Great analogy. My only problem is how do you fit more cubes in when physics only allows 9 per side before it becomes a dodecahedron?

  6. I so love this. I'm sharing it with friends. Thanks!

  7. Is that a gun or a flame thrower? I want one. :o)

    If you need a place for controlled blasts, my inbox is pretty self-contained.

  8. Uh..... is it a bad thing if I never figured out how to solve a rubik's cube?

  9. That's definitely a conundrum.

    But far better to be asked to put something in than take something out. Like the pirates.

  10. And now I shall sit down to look at my Rubiks cube with it's blocks of colors all mixed up and incomplete with a whole new perspective :-)

  11. Balky! Oh my, wherever did you find that .gif?

    Good luck with those revisions...
