Books I Read: Closed Hearts by Susan Kaye Quinn

— May 23, 2012 (6 comments)
You may recall I talked about Open Minds last year, about a world where everyone can read minds, except for this one girl who discovers she can actually control them. Susan Quinn (crit partner, Author's Echo regular, and giver of the BEST gifts) is releasing the sequel today.

So if you liked Open Minds, go and get Closed Hearts. And if you haven't read the first one, you might as well go do that first. The world building alone is worth it (and I think there's some kissing or something, if you're into that).

Title: Closed Hearts
Author: Susan Kaye Quinn
Genre: YA Sci-Fi
Published: 2012
My Content Rating: PG-13 for make-outs and tense situations

After Kira outed the presence of mindjackers on national TV, things got difficult. Paranoia about what jackers can do is sweeping the mindreading population, complete with anti-jacker politicians and laws. As the most famous jacker in the world, Kira has to stay hidden from readers and angry jackers who liked things better when they were hidden. She thought she was doing okay, until an escaped jacker criminal kidnaps her and forces her to face the thing she fears most: the FBI's experimental torture chamber for jackers.

I love where this trilogy (yeah, there's one more) is headed. There's no easy answers for anybody, which is just how it should be.

And I love how Susan is still exploring this world (without going everywhere). Turns out things might not be as black and white as readers vs. jackers. There are other things too . . .

Because Closed Hearts comes out today, Susan also has a virtual party going on at her site and a giveaway. Use the form below to win some cool stuff!

Rafflecopter giveaway
Other books by Susan Kaye Quinn:

Mind GamesOpen MindsClosed HeartsIn His EyesLife, Liberty, and PursuitFull Speed Ahead

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  1. Bahaha (the kissing part)! Thanks so much for the post, and everything else you've done to help this book into the world! (p.s. Lady Iron Pidgeon is experiencing a slight delay)

  2. So excited for Susan! She is on a fabulous roll! Love it just about as much as I love her new cover. ;D

  3. Loved this book and love where the trilogy is going too! Nice post!

  4. Susan is the best. I still need to read her books. I'm going to add them to my Amazon wish list so I don't forget.

  5. I've seen lots of future -ish books out lately, but this one sounds like it might actually be different, which is always nice.

  6. I love the first book and im searching lybrary( lmho) to get it cant wait to read it(**
