Leviathan Fan Art

— June 22, 2012 (6 comments)
This is probably my favorite thing I've ever drawn for Anthdrawlogy, and not just because Scott Westerfeld posted it on his blog.

Okay, yeah, maybe it is because of that.

What's your favorite mythological monster? I think mine's the kraken, but I bet one of you can name one I like even more.

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  1. How cool, Adam! I didn't know that you were such a great artist. I love the artwork in the Leviathan series.

    I don't reading much literature with mythological monsters but I do love Rowling's dementors (and how they were brought to life in the POA movie).

  2. My favorite monster is the gelatinous cube, but that's not exactly mythological, so I guess I'll go with dragons. Kind of vanilla, I know.

  3. I like dragons, since they're the main characters in the books I write. The favorite character I ever came up with "by accident" while I was writing is a kraken, though. I adore him so much, I changed my story to give him a larger role. How could you NOT fall in love with Stewie the kraken?

    I'm still trying to find a way to include a sphynx in the next story somehow...

  4. YOU drew that?! I saw it on his blog awhile ago! It has always been one of my favourites he has posted!! Cool!

    Kraken's are cool, I agree. I especially liked the one in Clash of the Titans. My favourite though will always be dragons.

  5. Excellent job with the Kraken there my blogging artistically incline bud. I love dragons however I've come to have a fascination with the phoenix.

  6. Great, now I'm going to have nightmares.

    But congrats anyway!
