Writing Excerpts

— July 13, 2012 (10 comments)
You've heard of this Lucky 7 Meme? I've been tagged for this thing so many times, I actually got tired of not posting it. So lucky you, you get a tiny bit of Air Pirates flavor this morning.

The idea is you go to page 77 of your MS, 7 lines down, then copy/paste the next 7 lines as they appear. Here they are for Air Pirates:

      "You have my stone."
      Sam knelt beside him, picking at the cobblestones with a knife that seemed to come from nowhere. "I do have the stone, aye."
      "I . . ." Hagai sat up straight. "I want it back."
      "Nay." Sam looked at him with those piercing blue eyes. He would see right through Tobin's charade, Hagai was sure. Suddenly he was afraid he wouldn't be able to play it through.
      Well, not suddenly. He thought it was a bad idea from the start.

I'm not going to tag anybody else except for all of you who are reading this. So, you know, if you want to play, go ahead and play.

And here's a bonus excerpt, because Air Pirates is kinda sorta really polished, and the meme is more about drafts, I think. So from my mid-revision WIP, currently titled Post-Apocalyptic Dragon-Riding Ninjas (with Mechs!):
On either side of the iron doors towered two giant mekas—stone replicas of the metal monsters that helped destroy the Old World.
      They had a long ride ahead of them yet. The wall enclosed an entire town over two square kilometers in area, and the road to the central keep was a winding maze to hinder invaders. Domino had plenty of time to figure out what he would say.
      "What does the baron have against you?" Ko asked.
      "I guess we'll find out."

So yeah, you got dropped into the middle of my world-famous weak description. That's what happens with these memes, I guess.

If you play on your own blog, drop a link in the comments so I can read it too.

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  1. Yay for excerpts from Post-Apoc (and I've already read Air Pirates, so it was fun to see that again)!

    From Free Souls...oh wait, just checked, can't do that. Too spoilerish. :) #wasthatmean?

  2. I so should have asked to read Air Pirates before you had an agent. Sigh.

    I put mine up on Facebook. I'll see if I can tag you guys in it.

  3. I want to read both of these. Right. Now.

  4. I want to read PADRN(wM) (pronounced Pattern-Whim)! And have Air Pirates on my Kindle.

  5. Crap! You're writing a post apocalyptic dragon riding ninja book??? So much for that WIP.

  6. I got stopped at the title for your WiP. I mean, seriously, you're combining; dragons, ninjas and the post-apocalypse. I'm stoked right there!!!

  7. Great excerpts! Love the tension and the wry humor.

  8. Great snips, Adam! I haven't done one of these in a while so I'm tagging myself...

  9. Coming on Sunday! I'm typing up from my draft now...
