On Objectivity

— May 01, 2013 (7 comments)
A Venn diagram on being objective.

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  1. This seems about right ;) It is impossible for your creativity not to be at the heart - of everything.

  2. And this is why I find marketing hard. I'm only good at promoting things I like and am excited about, but I can't go up to anyone and say, "This thing I made is awesome!" and expect them to trust me because of course I'm going to think what I made is awesome if I'm trying to sell it.

  3. funny you mention it, I totally blogged about this in my IWSG post today. Though, you sure sum it up nicely...

  4. Of course. You have to LOVE the things you make. Love is never objective. And if you don't love it, no one else will either.

  5. The stuff we make is always the best, right?
