The Ocean

— September 03, 2010 (8 comments)
I'm sick, so today's post is short. This picture is from our recent trip to the US, in which my son sees the ocean for the first time (that he remembers).

"That's the ocean, Isaac. When you grow up, the Earth will be covered in it, and you'll be the most famous pirate in the world."

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  1. So LOVE this!!

    Hey, my brother-in-law has lived in Bangkok and owns the coffee company called CoffeeWorks! ;--)

  2. that is SO awesome!
    and glad to see i'm not the only parent to tell their kids stuff like that... but it's a big mistake to tell them maybe they DO have the power to fly... because they try to... so much blood...
    super cute kid!

  3. That is so sweet!

    Hope you feel better soon.

  4. I love how the expression on his face says he doesn't quite believe you. My son does that too.

    I hope you're feeling better.

  5. It was a long time ago, Matt. We might not have even been internet friends yet!
