
— December 12, 2011 (38 comments)
Three and a half years ago, I started this blog just so I could type this sentence:


I am now represented by Tricia Lawrence of Erin Murphy Literary Agency. She's a new agent with a great agency, and she is very excited about Air Pirates. I can't wait to start working on this thing again.

I'm aware, of course, that this doesn't change the game. I've beaten a boss, but there are more levels to come, and the princess is in another castle. But a new level comes with new abilities. I've added a new member to my party, with strengths to match my weaknesses, and . . . some other gaming analogy that I'll think of later.

I'll give you the story and the statistics later (of course, the statistics). If there's something specific you want to know, please ask in the comments so I can be sure to address it.

Until then: DANCE OF JOY!

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  1. Woohoo! Congratulations!! I can't wait for the statisticful story!!

  2. Congratulations! I assume that the statistics refer to the number of copies of your book that you will sell in the coming months!

  3. Congratulations again, Adam. This is such wonderful news! Of course, you're right, there are many more levels after getting agented, but that doesn't steal the awesome from this achievement.

  4. LOL, Ellis. I wish! I'm afraid it will be mostly large numbers of rejections :-)

  5. Yes!! I'm doing the Dance of Joy over on this side of the world. Congrats again!!

  6. !!!! (And I never use more than one exclamation point:) )


    dyi dyi dyi-dyi dyi dyi dyi dyi dyi!!!

    i'm soooooo very happy for you!

  8. Awesome news. Congratulations and enjoy. I can't wait to read the stats and follow you on your road to publication.

  9. It's kind of like the companions you can get in all those Bethesda games. They carry around all the weapons and armor you can't carry.

    Er, wait ...

    CONGRATULATIONS, ADAM! So happy for you.

  10. Congratulations! First blog I checked today - excellent news for first thing in the morning. Can't wait to read the story and the stats, and eventually Air Pirates itself!

  11. SQUEEEE! Congratulations!! Doing the happy dance, too. :)

  12. This is so ROCK STAR great!

    I'm doing a happy dance for you. However, it can not be recorded. There could be loss of life or limb if I find the culprit who records my shake-jiggle-stumble dance of joy.

    So happy for you!


    **glomp-hugs Adam**

    **hand-springs and pompom-shaking**


    Hee! And the button to post this comment is labelled "Publish". Yes, indeed, "Publish" Adam!

  14. congrats! I love your video game analogy. so true. (sadly.)

  15. WAHOOOOOOO! I am so happy for you!! Congratulations, Adam, it's been a long time coming. And you deserve to bask in the warm glow of success!! Maybe you'll post your query some time (hint hint).

  16. Wee! I'm so thrilled for you, Adam! Congratulations again!

  17. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    YAY ADAM!!! You already know this, but you (and AIR PIRATES) are more than deserving. Here's hoping the princess stays in that darn castle til you can show up and rescue her. Soon. :)

  18. Squee!! Congratulations Adam!! Confetti, chocolate, champagne!!

  19. YAY YAY YAY!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so so so so so excited for you. See, everyone said it was just a matter of time and now your time has come!

    OMG, OMG, I totally forgot about Perfect Strangers. LOL! I also love the gaming references.

    How exciting! Now you'll have editorial notes and eventually go on submission. This is amazing. Now I'm doing the dance of joy!

  20. Re-read my last comment and it sounds so scatterbrained, lol. I guess I couldn't form a coherent thought to fully explain the joy I feel for your success!!

    (That sounds scatterbrained too ... but you get what I mean, right?!)

  21. All I can say is "Ohmyfreakinggosh, how exciting and amazing! Congratulations! Felicitad! Ay caramba! Happy Kwanza!" and all of that jazz. I am SO thrilled to hear you've got an agent! This is honestly some of the best news I've heard all week. Seriously... Congratulations, Adam! I am so happy for you and excited for myself because that means I'm one step closer to getting to read Air Pirates. Yay me! (Hey, being selfish is not a crime, Mister.)

    With my sincerest congratulations!

  22. Ahh, Perfect Strangers. That brings back memories!

    Congrats again, Adam! Love the gaming analogy. :) Lots of fun to come!

  23. Oh my gosh! I'm so happy and excited for you! And now I feel bad that I haven't been able to get out to blogs lately, because I totally missed this when it first happened! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so very awesome! I've been reading through all of your posts after this, and it made me giddy to hear how it all played out. I'm so excited for you!!

  24. Congrats - the Erin Murphy Agency seems to be top notch!

  25. Totally badass!!! That's fantastic news! Super congrats! It's well deserved and i'll cross my fingers for a quick sale (if only so i can read the book that much sooner)
    I love "how i got my agent" stories, so i'm looking forward to your stats and stuff
