Holidays, a Sketch

— December 23, 2011 (8 comments)
Cross-posted from Anthdrawlogy's Holidays week. The floating lanterns are stolen from Thailand's Loi Kratong festival, but the scene is actually from Air Pirates (the lanterns are also in Tangled, apparently, but I swear I stole the idea first!).

I don't expect many of you to stick around next week, what with our Earthly holidays and all. And anyway, I thought you'd appreciate a break from the only thing I seem capable of talking about anymore. Have fun. Eat much. Sleep well.

Me? I'll be revising this manuscript (Apparently you still have to work once you get an agent. Did you know this?). See you in 2012!

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  1. I'd never heard of floating lanterns before. That's a sweet painting.

    Hope you've got a few more posts in you about getting an agent. I keep outlines and spreadsheets for everything I do, so seeing an analytical-type process their publication journey is fascinating!

  2. Very nice! But no, I'm not tired at all of hearing about all things "Adam got an agent!" Please don't stop anytime soon.

    Merry Christmas!

  3. @Iliadfan: I've probably got some more agent-related posts here somewhere...

  4. Thanks for sharing this one. What medium did you use?

  5. That drawing is gorgeous, Adam. Happy holidays.

  6. I hate when others steal ideas after me! :D

    I love the picture. Have a fabulous New Years!!
