Pawn's Gambit Contest

— April 23, 2010 (17 comments)
It's here! "Pawn's Gambit" has officially been published in Beneath Ceaseless Skies. (Read it here. Do it! DO IT NOW!)

(If my self-promoting gets a bit out of hand today, I apologize. I'm just really, really excited.)

This story is set in the same world as Azrael's Curse, the novel I'm currently querying. Though I often refer to the setting as the Air Pirates' world, "Pawn's Gambit" is somewhat pirate-deficient. But it does have smugglers, assassins, and bounty hunters, so hopefully there's something there for everybody. (Read it now!)

In celebration of my publishing debut, I'm giving away a free book. For a chance to win, all you have to do is mention this contest (linking to this post) on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter, and fill out the form below.

If you'd like to improve your chances (while simultaneously enjoying a free adventure story), there's a bonus question requiring you to read the story -- or at least skim it in a fact-finding sort of way. Answer correctly to triple your chances.

Contest is open until May 6th, 12:00 PM EST. So if you don't have time now, bookmark this, star it, send yourself an e-mail -- whatever you need to do so you'll remember to read it later.

That's it. Go read the story.

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  1. “No worries,” I said. “The pawns are safe.”

    This is just wonderful! I'm loving it.

  2. Thanks, fairy. Everyone seems to like that line. It's so interesting to see what different people get out of it.

  3. Congrats on your publication Adam!!!! Strong voice in this one. Good job! :D

  4. Great job! Loved the story. I hope we someday get to read more.

  5. Great story. I tweeted.

  6. Loved your story. I'll post something about it next week. I'm not supposed to be on here, but I've been looking forward to reading your story for too long to miss it.

    I wish I had your ear for slang. Did it just come out like that, or did you work it in over time?

  7. Aw, thanks for breaking your internet fast just for me, Myrna! It probably won't surprise you that my ear for slang is the result of a lot of work. Though by now, I can slip into the air pirates' cant pretty easily (with a little warm up--it's been a while since I've written new pirate dialog).

    I've actually got a few posts lined up about that very topic. So stay tuned.

  8. I, too, really enjoyed the slang. It's fun enough to be catching, doesn't sound contrived, and is entirely understandable.

    The crossing and double-crossing was quite entertaining. Good story!

  9. way to go bro. I'm stoked for you.

  10. Wandered over here from Myrna Foster's blog. Congratulations! I'm only about a third of the way through "Pawn's Gambit," but I intend to finish someday. I like the chess metaphor. And I like the line that fairyhedgehog mentioned, too.

    Beautiful picture in the background of your blog, by the way. Where is it?

  11. Thanks, Krista! And thank you for stopping by.

    The background is just a stock photo from Blogger's new set of backgrounds. But with a little digging, I discovered these are the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland.

  12. I will Tweet/blog/post about your book. Congrats!

  13. I always knew I wanted to go to Ireland:) Thanks for satiating my curiosity.

  14. Thank you, Kathryn!

    Thank you, everybody (if I didn't already say so)!

  15. Here I am, late as usual. I linked you on my blog. I guess I could still post this on FB.

    Really enjoyed the story Adam. All your characters were well developed and sensational. I left you a better comment on the pub itself.

    Well done!!

