Demotivational Winners

— October 29, 2010 (9 comments)
You guys are hilarious. The number one reason I wish I had more readers is so I could have more hilarity to enjoy and share with you guys. Maybe when I hit 200 followers or something we can do this again (even though followers aren't readers).

Enough talk. To the posters!

First, the honorable mentions. Most Likely to be Put Up in My Office goes to "Monday" by the recently wed L.T. Host, and Late But I Still Like You goes to "Courage" by K. Marie Criddle (who has her own contest going on, by the way). Click these entries to enlarge.

The winners were chosen entirely based on how hard they made me laugh. Third Place goes to J.J. Debenedictis, who provides the best reason for exercise EVER.

Second Place is Susan Quinn, who made excellent use of the ubiquitous internet cat images (not an easy task!).

And First Place with both barrels is Emmet Blue. Both his posters made me laugh so hard they both win. What can I say? The man knows his judge.

I'll contact the winners to figure out your prizes. Congratulations, and thank you everybody who played!

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  1. Kudos to everyone who took part. Those were seriously funny.

  2. I love this vision of Team Work it goes well with the Zombie poster above it :)

  3. Love the posters! And Emmett's needs some kind of cautionary disclaimer, "Please put down your coffee before reading." LOL :)

    p.s. Yay!

  4. Ha! Awesome, all of them! Love the cat one...oh gosh, and those Japanese dudes are gonna be in my head all day. Congrats, all!

  5. oh WOW! these were hilarious... those guys...
    *shakes head*

  6. well done Mr. Blue!

    Adam - any chance you can put all submissions on the web and link to it?

  7. Regarding Godzilla's muse: BAHAHAHAHA!! Totally deserves that first prize!

    Thanks Adam for the 3rd place! I enjoyed all the entries very much.

  8. There were only a couple of entrants that didn't get on the blog, Andy, but that's a great idea. Especially if I do this again.

    So here are all the entrants.

  9. Ba ha ha ha ha ha. I love them all. Thanks for hosting, Adam!
