INCARNATE Giveaway and Gushing

— January 30, 2012 (11 comments)
You guys know Jodi Meadows, right? I don't see how you could not. She's the most awesome person that ever awesomed (even before she became an Air Pirates fan).

And she wrote a book. It's called INCARNATE about a world where everyone is reincarnated and remembers their past lives and builds on their past lives . . . except for one girl. Ana's new, and nobody knows why, and worse, they don't know what happened to the person who was supposed to be reincarnated in her place.

UPDATE: Read an excerpt here.

So yeah, it's a tough life for Ana, but an awesome book for you! And it comes out tomorrow! And I'm giving a copy away to one of you lucky people!

Good day, yeah?

Even more, 45 bloggers are participating in a treasure hunt with clues, activities, and lots of prizes including signed books and handknit fingerless mitts. Simply by participating in MY contest, you automatically gain entries for Jodi's BIG drawing to win some of that stuff. Then you can head to the next activity for more INCARNATE fun! There are 19 INCARNATE activities around (I linked a few below). The more you do, the better your chances of winning the grand prize.

For more information on the INCARNATE Theater Treasure Hunt, check out Jodi's post here.

Now, to win a copy of the book from me, and also get entries to the grand prize drawing, all you have to do is come up with a caption for this (NOTE: the knitted critters are characters from INCARNATE, though your caption does not have to reference the book):


To be eligible for both contests, you MUST fill out this form:

All captions will be entered for Jodi's grand prize drawing. Additionally, I will choose my favorites and post them here on Wednesday. Then you will vote for a winner and that way no one can get mad at me that person will get a copy of INCARNATE from me (unsigned, but I will send it internationally).

UPDATE: The finalists for my contest have already been chosen, BUT any caption entered on this form will still get entries for Jodi's grand prize drawing, until Monday, Feb 6th, 11:59 pm EST.

If you have any questions, post them in the comments.

Improve your chances to win the INCARNATE grand prize giveaway by checking out some of these blogs (who in turn link to more; it's a big wicked circle):

Enjoyed this post? Stay caught up on future posts by subscribing here.


  1. Super congrats to Jodi!! Did she make those knit people herself?? #talent

  2. I was so hooked by the premise of this book that I had to go look for an excerpt.

    Couldn't find one, so I wrote, and Jodi pointed me to this page.

    It looks really great.

  3. man, these are everywhere! her cover is superb! and the premise sounds SO interesting!
    here's my caption:
    mmm... i luvs string peoplez de best!

  4. "What kind of defense mechanism is this? A giant cat comes and we turn into YARN?"

  5. I've been looking at this title for my 2012 YA/MG debut author reading challenge. Making sure it is on my TBR list.

  6. Kat Kong Strikes Again! (The Kitting Wars)

    I love making captions... :)

    imakethegrade at gmail dot com

  7. That was supposed to be:

    Kat Kong Strikes Again! (The Knitting Wars)

    Oi me.

    imakethegrade at gmail dot com

  8. I submitted a caption on my phone and it disappeared into the abyss! I hope you got it, but if not here is is again (from memory, and maybe an addition...)

    "I am the kitty overlord. You will lay at my feet and kiss my paws. Mreow."

    Thanks for the contest! It sounds like a great read!

  9. Cat- The dragon was almost mine! but of course the other two dolls attacked me. and spoiled my evil plan.

    Lena Marsteller
