The Reality of Dungeons & Dragons

— December 24, 2012 (6 comments)
As a kid, I was taught that D&D is of the devil, but the reality is much, much worse.

Yup. Good times. Good times.

I realize it's Christmas Eve, and you're probably not even reading this right now. If you are, then know the blog is going dark for the holidays. (And if you aren't reading this . . . weird). I'll be back with a First Impact post on January 2nd.

Have a good break!

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  1. I tremble in my bootles!

    My lot tend to play Arkham Horror these days. Yesterday five of them won against the game! Happy days.

    (I don't have five sons, only two, but they do have friends. Really.)

  2. D & D is awesome. I'm running a game on New Year's Eve. :D

  3. @fairy: I've heard cool things about Arkham Horror. Sounds like fun!

    @Laura: Wish I could be there!

  4. My bro plays D&D twice a week, once at a comic shop (where even he admits the nerdery is almost too much) and then once with his longtime friends, either in our house or somewhere else.

    As for Arkham Horror, I'll be playing it this weekend!

  5. You haven't seen Mazes and Monsters, have you? It's an old anti-dnd movie starring none other than Tom Hanks.

    It's the kind of painful you'll fall over laughing at.

  6. My parents never had a problem with it, but when I moved in with my aunt and uncle, they freaked out.
