My Boys' First RPG

— October 23, 2013 (6 comments)
I've been wanting to try my boys out on an RPG for a while now, but I wasn't really sure how. I'd given away a lot of my sourcebooks, so all I had left was the d20 SRD which, while great, wasn't quite what I wanted.

Then I got this fancy schmancy Numenera corebook in the mail. This system is what I wanted: simple, flexible, and with a heck of a lot of leeway for a GM who wasn't sure how well his players would get things. But the Ninth World can be kinda . . . creepy, at least for 6- and 7-year-olds. I wanted something they could be excited about.

"Why don't you just make something up?" said my wife, ever supportive of even my geekliest dilemmas.

"Are you kidding?" I said. "Do you know how much work that would take? Even if I adapted what I have, I'd still have to make up a bunch of equipment and powers. Though the types would be pretty easy to adapt, I guess. Most of the esoteries are basically Force powers anyway. And the descriptors work okay. . ."

And then I couldn't stop thinking about it.

The next couple of days looked like this:

Now all I have to do is figure out the rules for lightsabers before they earn theirs. . .

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  1. The internet surrenders. Time to move on to the next thing.

  2. There are no bounds to the love of a gaming parent. And maybe nothing cooler. :-)

  3. You really should have seen the lightsaber thing coming. What other weapon would they have chosen?

    Is Nathan a Sith? Why did he want to fight all the Jedi?

  4. Nope, not a Sith. He just wanted a fight. Master Luke had a talk with him about using the Force for defense.

  5. fumbling a lightsaber can be dangerous, luckily the Star Wars universe has robot hands.

  6. China exports a significant amount of wooden swords and Japanese steel katana, to Western markets.

    The two I used for training, came from a Chinese manufacturer, Musashi named to Western audiences.

    Ironically, training light sabers would have been even more necessary in the day, given how blades that burn, not just cut, must be handled with more care.
