Secrets of the Alliterati

— May 14, 2010 (6 comments)
I'm either on my way to, or recently arrived in full jet lag at, the United States. I may or may not have lots of internet time here, but I think I've left you in good hands anyway. We've got guest posts, Johnathan Coulton, and even a drawing to keep you happy while I'm away. I'll try and stop by the comments if I can. Otherwise if you want to know how I'm doing, you might want to follow my Twitter feed.

Meanwhile I've written a guest post over at The Secret Archives of the Alliterati today. It's about netters and knockers and tricks to avoid the dreaded infodump, especially in speculative fiction (sort of an extension of this post). Go check it out.

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  1. Yay! Glad you made it safely, sad that I'm STILL too far away to actually meet you. Boo.

  2. One day, Natalie. Maybe when I have a book and (therefore) an excuse to travel on ostensibly-book-related business ;-)

  3. Congrats on being a guest poster, and great job!
