My New Distraction

— March 16, 2010 (9 comments)
You may notice I missed a post yesterday. That's the first post I've missed since I decided to have a schedule, but I have a really good reason:

Also without the crying:

Her name is Anica Joy Heine, and she's going to ensure I never get anything productive done again.

And actually, I'm okay with that.

Seriously though, this space will be quiet until Friday, when I will attempt to present the appearance of normality once more. I'll be online, I just won't be writing anything new or witty. Which I guess is the same as always, but...

You know what? Whatever. I have a baby girl!

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  1. Congratulations! She's gorgeous. No wonder you're too busy to post.

  2. Awww. Welcome to the world, Anica! Enjoy her—the writing world can wait. In fact, it's so slow nothing will probably happen while you're gone!

  3. Coming out of the woodwork to say congratulations!

  4. What a wonderful distraction! Congratulations, Daddy!

  5. Congratulations! She's adorable! Is it wrong of me that I like the picture where she's crying better? It's like she's saying, "Oh, just you watch world! Here I come!"

    I am sure you won't appreciate the wonder of that at 3 a.m.

    Congrats, daddy!

  6. Congratulations! Anica is a beautiful name. I love the way you chose to spell it. :-) Enjoy the settling in time with your new blessing!
