That Thing Where I Draw: Sunflowers

— March 31, 2010 (10 comments)
Well, the votes are in and you are looking at the new Author's Echo (unless you're in Reader, Facebook, etc., in which case everything looks exactly the same). I like this layout better (less clutter). Though I wish Blogger had more font choices for the blog title. Oh well, it's not perfect, but it's free. So who's complaining?

Not me.

Anyway, today's picture was commissioned by my wife, Cindy. It's the second largest picture I've ever drawn (about 10"x15"), which may explain the sometimes-poor attention to detail (I have a short attention span, sorry). But my wife likes it, and it's good practice for me in oil pastels.

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  1. I like it (both the layout and the painting).

  2. It's a lovely picture and I like the new blog look too. Maybe you could use one of your pictures as background one day?

  3. Maybe, fairy. I'd have to think long and hard about that though :-)

  4. The flowers are lovely! You've done a great job with the contrast in the leaves. So much depth.

  5. This is way cool and can someone please tell me how to do this on Blogger??!!

  6. The new blogger look is rockin', though agree about the limitations - still struggling with mine.

    Karen - try here:

  7. It look amazing - I'd like to be able to get my woodland picture to take a walk on the... back...side.

    I'm checking out the link :)

  8. It looks way better in real life, peoples!

    Thanks for doing this, honey!

  9. Love both the sunflowers and the new background! Good job!

