Troubles in Thailand

— April 14, 2010 (5 comments)
You may have heard about the protests going on in Thailand right now. Basically one group (the "red shirts") wants the prime minister to dissolve parliament, step down, and call for new elections. He's not, obviously, and a few days ago the protests turned violent. Twenty people were killed, hundreds hurt.

Most of the trouble's in Bangkok, so we're largely unaffected. But I did read one story saying protesters had gotten a hold of Chiang Mai Provincial Hall. If so, that's kind of a trip because we just went there to announce Anica's birth. You can learn more about it here or from the video:

It's the same mess that started years ago when the military took the government from Thaksin. Very little has changed except who's in power.

Not to make light of it, but one really eerie thing is that I wrote a scene just like these protests about a day or two before they happened. I really hope I don't have that power. If so, I'm done writing modern-day fantasy right now.

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  1. Eek! That's scary about the Provincial Hall that you'd just been to! Do take care of yourselves.

  2. Thanks, fairy. We will. It sounds like they took the hall on a Sunday, when no one would be there. Anyway I don't think either side wants things to be violent, but, well... that doesn't meant they won't.

  3. You have my prayers for safety for your little family. Take Care.

  4. Hope it all ends the best that it can, and that you and yours are safe.

  5. Oh, dear. I won't tell you to remain aware - you couldn't have written what you did if you weren't already aware! But keep safe and God bless!
