The Future of Print Books?

— June 20, 2011 (10 comments)

We've got a new girl in our home, so posts will be lighter this week. By which I mean they're shorter, not fewer.

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  1. Wow, talk about a picture being worth (several thousand) words.

  2. Congrats on Asia. You're ability to outshine your already stellar brightness constantly amazes me.

  3. What are those books about I wonder? Otherwise, I think the picture's amusing :D

    Congrats on the adoption! She's adorable, and I love the name you chose for her! I also had no idea that you have nine (nine!) kids. That must get hectic sometimes!

  4. Love that picture. I think books-as-performance-art is on the way, for sure. This weekend, even my father-in-law seems interested in an e-reader, one of the first signs of the apocalypse.

    p.s. I hope things are settling in with Asia!

  5. Hehe, great photo. And congrats on the adoption! :D

  6. Thanks for all the congrats!

    And actually Asia is our 10th child (and probably our last for a while). Hectic, yes. Actually it needs a bigger word than that. Crazy-hectic. Crazectic!

  7. Good luck with your new addition. It is wonderful the work you and your wife are doing.


  8. Wow, that is so.... sad! Those poor books! I, too, wonder what lies between their sturdy, load-bearing covers.
