How to Get Good at Something

— August 27, 2012 (7 comments)

Original Picture: Divya Manian

I have to tell myself this every time I start a new novel.

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  1. You do learn the most from making mistakes, so I should be good.

  2. Matt, I read that just last night - that you learn more from failures than success.

    And yeah, just getting one's confidence up to start a new book is a challenge even for seasoned pros.

  3. Failing stinks. The only thing worse is knowing you could have tried harder. :) (But you already know this.)

  4. True...very true. (I've noticed this with my own writing. I almost cringe to re-read things I wrote even a year ago.)

  5. THIS. And the best thing is, every time you fail, just makes you better when you try it again. That's what i love about writing: that just the act of doing it over and over continuously makes you better

  6. This is something I'm learning over from page one because it's been so long since I wrote my first (read: UGLY) draft. Everything since then has felt like a slowly blossoming flower in comparison to that awful first draft and so it's been close to twenty years of slow bloom. LOL Now I'm back to rebuilding a seed and I've forgotten I ever had those muscles let alone how to work them. Sigh.
