MSFV's Logline Critiques, Revision Round

— October 12, 2012 (9 comments)
The entries have been posted for Miss Snark's First Victim's Logline Critique Revision Round.* Each one you critique will earn you an entry toward October's First Impact prize: a 15-page critique from Jodi Meadows, author of INCARNATE.

A logline is one or two sentences that answers the question, "What's the book about?" To critique them, you just need to say whether it sounds interesting and why or why not.

And a big welcome to the logline authors! If I messed something up, shoot me an e-mail. I hope the critiques you get here will be useful (they should be; we have some very talented readers). And [plug] if you ever need a query or first page critique, feel free to send those in as well [/plug].

* Blog feed subscribers may have to click over to the blog to read them.

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  1. You are one of my favorite Fake Online Friends.

    No, wait. That didn't come out right.



  2. I wish I had time for this today. Maybe over the weekend, between writing.

  3. Thank you so much for doing this! We appreciate all your time and work. :D

  4. Question: Can we propose a rewrite of the logline (cuz it's so short), or is that BADFORM?

  5. If that's how you feel, I think it's legit. Just so long as you're nice and helpful about it, you know?

  6. I just wanted to give you an internet high five for being so awesome. Again

  7. This is such a huge help for us. Thanks so much, Adam!!!

  8. Thank you so much for doing this, Adam! You're amazing!!
